Recently, one of the nitwits that I battle with called me “un-American”. When I asked him to show evidence of my un-American-ness,
he called me an idiot. Then he called me “Anti-American”.
When I asked him of evidence of that, he called me something else.
That’s the thing about these people; they like to make claims but then can’t back them up.
Yes, I know what you’re thinking, “why do you deal with these people?”.
My answer is always the same:
“If someone doesn’t stand up and speak the truth,
then only the liars will be heard.”
I’m willing to die on that mountain.
But all this rhetoric got me wondering.
What does “Un-American” mean?
Does it have any validity at all?
I know that the people of the 40’s and 50’s heard that phrase all the time; spewed from mouths of the anti-Communists of the McCarthy era,
but does that make it true?
I can see something that might be considered “anti-American”; like say…
trying to prevent a free and fair election…
Oh, wait. Never mind.
But is there anything that is “Un-American”?
Is kneeling during the anthem, or burning a flag, Un-American?
Wasn’t the concept of America based on protest?
Isn’t that what Boston Tea party was all about? Civil disobedience?
What about the civil rights marches, or the anti-war protests?
What about cheating on your taxes?
By law, it’s a crime, but is it “un-American”?
Seems to me that every corporation in America does it.
Doesn’t that make it distinctly, “American”?
How about bad-mouthing your Senator or your President?
Other politicians do it, why can’t I?
I know that people like to wave the flag around and call themselves “patriots”, but what exactly does that mean?
I vote in every election. I report every time I’m called to Jury Duty, and I pay my taxes.
What more do I have to do to be a patriot?
March in a parade? Stitch a flag to all my underwear?
Speaking of which, what about the patriots who carry the Confederate Flag? Are they un-American?
I like this country, and I like the principles that it stands for, but I’m embarrassed by what it has become, and I think it might be broken beyond repair.
Does that make me Anti-American Un-American, or Pseudo-American?
On the contrary, I think it makes me a patriot, but evidently, half this country disagrees. Should I care what they think?
As we all know, we had an election last November.
The Democrats ran a weak candidate, and the Republicans ran a convicted felon who had a failed presidency and tried to overturn a free and fair election.
The convict won.
America lost.
But now, people tell me I should just step aside and keep my mouth shut.
I think I should yell louder.
But at what cost?
I’ve already lost many friends and family due to their allegiance to a carnival barker. Am I really prepared to lose even more of them?
Should I hitch up my pants, wave goodbye to them?
Or should I do what I know is right and light two lamps and ride though the country-side yelling:
“The idiots are here, the idiots are here!”
So yeah,
if calling out the lies,
calling out the hypocrisy,
calling out the malfeasance and corruption makes me Un-American…
Then you’re the one with the screwed up viewpoint.
And if you think that calling me silly names is going to make me stop,
then you really need to step up your game.
I’m not going anywhere…